In a modern translation workflow, technology plays a crucial role. At Smartwords, we leverage Translation Management Systems, CAT tools, Translation Memories, and terminology databases to enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness, ensuring your content is more consistent and easier to manage.
A Translation Management System (TMS) works similarly to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system but is specifically tailored for the translation process. It makes it possible to create automated workflows, permits cloud-based content storage, and centralizes resources, enhancing every aspect of the process from quality control to delivery speed. With Smartwords, your multilingual content will receive the highest level of attention, security, and efficiency available.
Machine Translation (MT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide the basis of our technological infrastructure, driving the excellence of our translation and localization projects. MT not only speeds up translation processes but also ensures the swift and accurate delivery of content in multiple languages. AI goes one step further by enhancing our capabilities, opening the door to advanced language processing, quality assurance, and tailored solutions. These technologies offer more than just efficiency improvements – they substantially cut costs and boost efficiency. Welcome to a world where cutting-edge technology seamlessly integrates with linguistic expertise, setting new standards in the field.
The more you translate with us, the more efficient the process becomes. A translation memory ™ reduces the need to translate the same material from scratch, lowering costs and enhancing quality with each project. We create a dedicated TM for each client to ensure your unique terminology and style are consistently applied across all projects.
TMs streamline the translation process by reusing previously translated segments, significantly accelerating project turnaround. This ensures your content reaches its audience faster, without any compromises in terms of quality.
Maintain a cohesive voice across all your materials, even when multiple translators are involved. TMs store and reuse your approved translations, keeping your content consistent.
We understand that your journey with us might begin with a rich history of previously translated documents. To ensure that none of your past efforts go to waste, our innovative platform is designed to seamlessly integrate and align your existing translations for reuse. By using this approach, your translations can benefit from a Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tool that automatically suggests matches from your previous translations. This accelerates the translation process, ensuring consistency across all your content.
Effective terminology management is key to maintaining clarity and consistency, especially when several teams are working on the same project. Misaligned terminology can lead to misunderstandings, affect product integrity, and pose risks in sectors like finance or life sciences where precision is paramount. Our strategy? Creating a dedicated termbase – a detailed database designed for your specific needs that supports bilingual or multilingual entries.
We build and maintain multilingual databases, ensuring key terms for each project are accurately extracted, applied, and updated.
Custom guides designed to unify terminology and style across your company.
Our glossaries are at your disposal for reviewing or updating terms, ensuring clarity and consistency in all communication.
An end-to-end localization service means you don’t have to turn to alternatives at any step of the process. We work with your preferred tools and file formats, making us a one-stop shop for all your translation needs.
Whatever industry you’re in, you’ll find reliable experts on our team who can work on your content. From legal and business to energy and tourism, we’ve got you covered.
Minor mishaps in translation can skew your intended message and even damage your brand’s reputation. Our global translation services involve an intense and meticulous process designed to prevent mistakes and take your content to the next level.
In order to scale your content to a wider audience, you need experts in multiple fields who specialize in translating into the required languages. With our team, you get this and much more. We employ a straightforward and scalable process, with plenty of room for communication throughout.
Markets across various industries can shift at the drop of a pin. Ambiguities and spontaneous market changes make expedient but prudent translation output a major advantage for any business. Our team produces quality work under tight deadlines.
Managing multiple clients requires an agency to be quick on its feet and able to rapidly adjust to a client’s needs and requests. We do just that and ensure our clients always receive exactly what they expect.
An end-to-end localization service means you don’t have to turn to alternatives at any step of the process. We work with your preferred tools and file formats, making us a one-stop shop for all your translation needs.
Whatever industry you’re in, you’ll find reliable experts on our team who can work on your content. From legal and business to energy and tourism, we’ve got you covered.
Minor mishaps in translation can skew your intended message and even damage your brand’s reputation. Our global translation services involve an intense and meticulous process designed to prevent mistakes and take your content to the next level.
In order to scale your content to a wider audience, you need experts in multiple fields who specialize in translating into the required languages. With our team, you get this and much more. We employ a straightforward and scalable process, with plenty of room for communication throughout.
Markets across various industries can shift at the drop of a pin. Ambiguities and spontaneous market changes make expedient but prudent translation output a major advantage for any business. Our team produces quality work under tight deadlines.
Managing multiple clients requires an agency to be quick on its feet and able to rapidly adjust to a client’s needs and requests. We do just that and ensure our clients always receive exactly what they expect.
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